Saturday, April 9, 2011

What a great day! This morning we went to Coaldale for a run! No not for me, but Paul & Ashley.
Jenn , Astrid and I came to take care of Caroline and to be a supporter. First of all, the weather was perfect. Sunny but nippy, perfect to run. Caroline fell asleep, Astrid wanted to explore and Jenn, as usual is the big helper. Astrid started the day still not feeling well, but later on she seemed to do a lot better. On our way back we picked up a VHS player for $5, that I bought on swap and buy. Awesome deal! Now we can watch our old movies upstairs too. It was so fun to be out and about with the girls with this nice weather . Ron got a bunch of work in on Friday, that had to be back on Monday, so he had to work. Our ward (church) rented the local pool, for a fun activity. Bummer was that Astrid couldn't go because of her ears and cold. Paul and Ashley were kind enough to come and take Jenn. Kevin had a concert tonight and Ron went there to watch/listing to the U of L choir. Later in the evening Tiff (a good friend of mine) came by. She just got home from a trip to the states. I misted her, was so nice to see and hear her again.
What a great ordinary day again!

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