Friday, April 8, 2011

What a day...!
Astrid woke up crying, which she never does. Her teeth are "killing"" her. Runny nose, I think she has a earache and a light fever. She cried a lot and wanted to be held most of the time. Ron and I had our yearly fostercare/adoption presentation at the college today on top of that. Kev looked after the girls, when we were gone.
It was again a great experience at the collage, but I always get emotional telling about my foster kids. Afterwards I get usually very tired. Coming home Astrid felt worse. Jenn is such a good little helper. There are moments that I don't have to ask for help, she just gets it. This morning I was changing the sheets of all our beds, and half way through Astrid starts crying and wanted attention. Jenn comes around the corner and picks up Astrid takes her in her room asks me how long I need. I said 20 min? She closed the door and starts to read a story to Astrid. Where did this special Angel come from?? We are so blessed with our girls. At 7pm Ron was singing lullaby's to Astrid and she finally went to sleep!
I still love my ordinary days !!!

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