Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is my first post and I am so new to this blogging world. I am going to give it a try anyway.
Actually I don't even know where to start, so I will just start some where...... .
3 weeks ago we went to court with Astrid, now she is officially a Schuwer. She came to us through foster care, right out of the hospital. She was 6 weeks early and we found out today that she was born in the ambulance at 3:13pm. She was 15 days old when she come "home". We all were head over heals in love with this precious gift from our Heavenly Father. Jenn was so excited and such a great big sister. Kevin was still out on his mission when she came home, but he was ready to be a big brother again. Paul and Ashley where living at our home at that time too, so they became really close to Astrid, and they still are. Athena just had Liam when Astrid came to us. Every time Athena and Ryan are coming, Liam and Astrid love to play and fight together. We love our little crazy family. Every Sunday Paul, Ash and Caroline are here for dinner, and Kev is here usually too some times he has some buddies here or a female friend. The house gets messy and loud, but we are looooving it!!!
Two weeks ago Astrid got sealed to us in for time and eternity. There is so much more to blog but this is a start.

1 comment:

  1. yea! you have a blog - it's such a great way to keep everyone up to date on your family. thanks for the invite.
    love your background
