Thursday, April 7, 2011

Today we had so much fun. We had a PD day (again) so our kids didn't have school.
Dazlyn, Jenn's best friend came over to play and they made a treasure boxes.
They were so creative and it was so fun, that we took some pics.
I just have to mention it, because I am so jealous. Tiff (my friend and Dazy's mom) is in Florida right now, sitting in the sun with (I know for sure) dc in her hand being very busy to get some well deserved rest.
Astrid woke up today with a cold again. Her 4 corner teeth are all coming trough at the same time. Poor little angel. Tonight Kev is singing with the institute choir, he has a solo in it, so Ron, Jenn and I have a date night. Love those ordinary days!!

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