Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Monday we all went to the "Hoodoos" by Milk River with Margaret, Peter and Tessa.
It was a awesome day!!
Kevin and Naomi hid the eggs in the Hoodoos and we all came later to look for them. So, so fun with little and big kids!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Paul, Ashley & Caroline

Easter Sunday!
We had a great day!
After church, Paul, Ashley and Caroline came over. Kev was in Calgary, we missed him a lot. For lunch we had some "Monkey Bubble"| bread, sugar galore!! But it was yummy.
Then we went to the park. It was a beautiful day and we were happy to be outside. Here some pictures of our day.
Today was a perfect, ordinary Easter day !

Thursday, April 21, 2011

20 Months ago we had no clue what kind of blessings were put away for us.
Astrid Joy Elizabeth!! She is full of life, sparks, happiness, so loving and loves to cuddle. She laughs and smiles all day long, until we put her in bed. (even in bed we can hear her laugh)
When Paul & Ashley are not here, she walks around with a picture of them, and she will keep saying, Pau..., Asha...!!!
She loves cuddling with Kevin, and her play mate is Jenn, she calls her Sissss...... . We can not imagine live with out her.
We love you to the moon and back Astrid!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our Jenn is turning 10 soon. I can't believe it!
She is a delight!!!! Always so helpful and loves to please everyone. She loves dancing. Every moment she gets at home she will be dancing and creating her own dances. She loves her music and you can find her often in her room listening and coll0ring or drawing. She is so fun and has a great sense of humor. She is such a blessing in our lives!!
Love you to the moon and back Jenn!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today was a" feel very good" day!
I had so much done, without really planning it.
Groceries, all laundry (including folding and putting away), a craft and a fun FHE!
The secret to all this is.........., spending way less on the computer.

This was my Easter craft for today.
Jenn got me some awesome twigs.
I glued some dollar store blossom in it and it looks so springy!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

and....... this is what we woke up to today!!!
Racking .....shuffling..... ?? I am getting so confused.
Jenn had to get her winter boots out, we just put them away. We where wearing flip flops for crying out load!!!!
O well that is why I love Lethbridge.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Yesterday we had a great day. All we needed was a little sunshine. The girls had a blast playing outside. All they need was a little bit of water. ( I still need to buy the sand)
It is to bad that Astrid just closed her eyes in that picture, but she was so cute playing, then Jenn came home for lunch and that was when the real fun started. Astrid napped for 3 1/2 hrs this day!! An ordinary sunny day!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I just got this picture from Margaret (my Sis).
Mark, Tessa, Athena and Jennifer.
Athena was only a day with us here.
Wow I love this picture, so much has happened since. I think Jenn was only 3 years old.
Athena now, a wife, mother of almost 2.
Tess married, Mark is graduating this year .
My, O, my, time flys!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Precious moments! Opa and Caroline.
A ordinary Sunday.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What a great day! This morning we went to Coaldale for a run! No not for me, but Paul & Ashley.
Jenn , Astrid and I came to take care of Caroline and to be a supporter. First of all, the weather was perfect. Sunny but nippy, perfect to run. Caroline fell asleep, Astrid wanted to explore and Jenn, as usual is the big helper. Astrid started the day still not feeling well, but later on she seemed to do a lot better. On our way back we picked up a VHS player for $5, that I bought on swap and buy. Awesome deal! Now we can watch our old movies upstairs too. It was so fun to be out and about with the girls with this nice weather . Ron got a bunch of work in on Friday, that had to be back on Monday, so he had to work. Our ward (church) rented the local pool, for a fun activity. Bummer was that Astrid couldn't go because of her ears and cold. Paul and Ashley were kind enough to come and take Jenn. Kevin had a concert tonight and Ron went there to watch/listing to the U of L choir. Later in the evening Tiff (a good friend of mine) came by. She just got home from a trip to the states. I misted her, was so nice to see and hear her again.
What a great ordinary day again!

Friday, April 8, 2011

What a day...!
Astrid woke up crying, which she never does. Her teeth are "killing"" her. Runny nose, I think she has a earache and a light fever. She cried a lot and wanted to be held most of the time. Ron and I had our yearly fostercare/adoption presentation at the college today on top of that. Kev looked after the girls, when we were gone.
It was again a great experience at the collage, but I always get emotional telling about my foster kids. Afterwards I get usually very tired. Coming home Astrid felt worse. Jenn is such a good little helper. There are moments that I don't have to ask for help, she just gets it. This morning I was changing the sheets of all our beds, and half way through Astrid starts crying and wanted attention. Jenn comes around the corner and picks up Astrid takes her in her room asks me how long I need. I said 20 min? She closed the door and starts to read a story to Astrid. Where did this special Angel come from?? We are so blessed with our girls. At 7pm Ron was singing lullaby's to Astrid and she finally went to sleep!
I still love my ordinary days !!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Today we had so much fun. We had a PD day (again) so our kids didn't have school.
Dazlyn, Jenn's best friend came over to play and they made a treasure boxes.
They were so creative and it was so fun, that we took some pics.
I just have to mention it, because I am so jealous. Tiff (my friend and Dazy's mom) is in Florida right now, sitting in the sun with (I know for sure) dc in her hand being very busy to get some well deserved rest.
Astrid woke up today with a cold again. Her 4 corner teeth are all coming trough at the same time. Poor little angel. Tonight Kev is singing with the institute choir, he has a solo in it, so Ron, Jenn and I have a date night. Love those ordinary days!!

Our little Caroline!! She is so adorable!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is my first post and I am so new to this blogging world. I am going to give it a try anyway.
Actually I don't even know where to start, so I will just start some where...... .
3 weeks ago we went to court with Astrid, now she is officially a Schuwer. She came to us through foster care, right out of the hospital. She was 6 weeks early and we found out today that she was born in the ambulance at 3:13pm. She was 15 days old when she come "home". We all were head over heals in love with this precious gift from our Heavenly Father. Jenn was so excited and such a great big sister. Kevin was still out on his mission when she came home, but he was ready to be a big brother again. Paul and Ashley where living at our home at that time too, so they became really close to Astrid, and they still are. Athena just had Liam when Astrid came to us. Every time Athena and Ryan are coming, Liam and Astrid love to play and fight together. We love our little crazy family. Every Sunday Paul, Ash and Caroline are here for dinner, and Kev is here usually too some times he has some buddies here or a female friend. The house gets messy and loud, but we are looooving it!!!
Two weeks ago Astrid got sealed to us in for time and eternity. There is so much more to blog but this is a start.