Sunday, May 22, 2011

Finally an update. We had Jenn's birthday on the 11th and Mimi & Bupa's (my parents) 56th anniversary on the 18th. There are many days I miss them but on those kind of days I miss them extra. I wish I could help them out more often with the daily things. But 56 years together and still smiling, is a miracle these days!
Gefeliciteerd Mam & Pap!!
Our Athena came last week for an appointment at the hospital. She has only 5 weeks left and Jeffries # 2 will be born. I can't wait to see the little guy.
I had the girls's eyes checked this week too. Astrid needs to come back, I hope she doesn't need glasses. Then I got sick, a cold. My head is pounding, sneezing and shaking. I sure hope it will be gone soon. (actually I want it gone now...!) But yesterday evening we, Ron and I, had dinner with some good friends, and we had a great time. Friday we had friends over at our place, The Fletchers from Stirling! We love them too, and had a great time with them.
Friday I planted most of my garden for this summer. That is such a great feeling. The tomatoes, peas, pumpkins and zucchinis are all in! Now we have to water them and have lots of patience.......... . When the sun comes out I will take a picture of it, well in a couple of weeks, because most of them are seeds, so you do not see much, but dirt. Well this is an update in a nutshell. It was an ordinary week, but I loved it till I got sick......

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