Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A perfect moment in a perfect ordinary day!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday morning, waking up to these 2 little people is the best ever!!
We had a blast before we went to church.
Playing and being silly is so much fun.

Friday, May 27, 2011

I swear, the mall security guy, must have thought something........ .
There was no one in the mall, it was closing time, and he just stared at us and smiled. We just kept on saying,
no we didn't drink wine, or beer, we didn't smoke anything.......... this is just who we are....... a little crazy but fun!!!!!

Jenn having her nails done.
It was so nice to be just with the 3 of us.
Jenn looooved it.
We where all being a bit silly and out of the blue Jenn said, "Then he opened his whiskers and put in his pipe.........".
Ashley and I just laughed so hard. I think she has it from her Geronimo books. (Geronimo is a mouse) She is so adorable.
I love you so much Jenn!
Ashley you are the best, and I love you too!
O, o, what a great ordinary day!!!!
What a day....!
This morning Astrid had an eye appointment to have them checked. She needed drops in there before our appointment. Poor girl, it burned a bit and she was such a trooper. Then I had to help out serve a lunch at a funeral. A young Mom passed away in our neighborhood, and the funeral was in our church. After that Jenn had some friends over and went swimming, she had a blast. Then Ashley called and suggested to go out with just us girls. Jenn, her and myself. What a great idea!!! We had a blast. We had our nails done and had some good old mustache fun!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sew Much Ado: Tutorial: 10 Minute Toddler Leg Warmers.

Sew Much Ado: Tutorial: 10 Minute Toddler Leg Warmers.: "Have a pair of knee socks you'd like to refashion? In 10 minutes your little lady can be stylin' some new leg warmers! Find the tutorial ..."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Rainy day! I still feel off...., but better then yesterday. Normally on Sunday's Paul, Ashley and Caroline come for dinner. Because I was sick they didn't come. I missed them, so I was looking at some pictures of them, and played a bit. Are they not the cuties couple ever! And look at that perfect little Caroline. (or Cay...!?)
Kevin can't work today because the lawns are to saturated, so he took Jenn to a friend of his to watch a movie. I love these kind of perks that comes from having adult kids and little ones!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Finally an update. We had Jenn's birthday on the 11th and Mimi & Bupa's (my parents) 56th anniversary on the 18th. There are many days I miss them but on those kind of days I miss them extra. I wish I could help them out more often with the daily things. But 56 years together and still smiling, is a miracle these days!
Gefeliciteerd Mam & Pap!!
Our Athena came last week for an appointment at the hospital. She has only 5 weeks left and Jeffries # 2 will be born. I can't wait to see the little guy.
I had the girls's eyes checked this week too. Astrid needs to come back, I hope she doesn't need glasses. Then I got sick, a cold. My head is pounding, sneezing and shaking. I sure hope it will be gone soon. (actually I want it gone now...!) But yesterday evening we, Ron and I, had dinner with some good friends, and we had a great time. Friday we had friends over at our place, The Fletchers from Stirling! We love them too, and had a great time with them.
Friday I planted most of my garden for this summer. That is such a great feeling. The tomatoes, peas, pumpkins and zucchinis are all in! Now we have to water them and have lots of patience.......... . When the sun comes out I will take a picture of it, well in a couple of weeks, because most of them are seeds, so you do not see much, but dirt. Well this is an update in a nutshell. It was an ordinary week, but I loved it till I got sick......

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Finally a picture of Kevin. He is hard to catch on a picture. We love this guy so much.

Jenn and her birthday present. An electric scooter!
Her shirt that she wears here,she got from Paul and Ashley. The weather has been very nice so she is outside most of the time on her scooter.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We had an awesome ordinary day!!!
Cleaned the back yard and took the patio furniture out.
I got a very nice hammock for mothers day, and I had to try that out. Kevin started working and had a blast doing his work and came home with a tan! He mow's lawns and is very busy. Astrid played outside most of the day and explored the back yard. Jenn is so excited about tomorrow, her birthday!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Margaret and I went to Time Out For Women last weekend. It was a blast and very uplifting. I will fill in some of the details later.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

This is our little Liam!
The most adorable little boy, you have ever met.
He is Athena & Ryan's little boy. Soon they will have 2 little boys.

An awesome ordinary day!
I do miss my Kevin.
He is on tour with the U of L choir, but it sounds like he is having a great time. Tomorrow he should be back.
I am getting ready to leave for Time Out For Women with my best friend & sister. I am so excited!
This afternoon, a friend of mine (Sue) helped me making this dress for Astrid. I just love it so much.
I am not a seamstress at all, so this is an easy project to begin with!
The next project is to make one for Jenn.
She just told me she did like this one, but she wants a different fabric.
My bags are packed and ready to go........ .

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is our first, adorable granddaughter.

These pictures speak for themselves!
We are so unbelievably blessed.

I want to get more pictures of Kevin, but it is so hard to get pictures of him.
He doesn't like his picture taken, but I hope to catch him soon.

Our Jenn had a play date with her Aunty Molly and her niece Tessa.She loved the spot light! Thanks Molly you are an awesome cool aunty and Tessa you are the coolest niece!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Yesterday Ashley inspired me to make this. I had a desperate need to make a craft. This is from things I had laying around the house. I covered this baby wipe case and it took me 10min! I bought a new glue gun, that didn't work, so now I have to return it and have no clue which one I should buy without paying $70 .............!! ARGGGG.......