Monday, June 20, 2011

On a ordinary Saturday night, we got a text from Athena, that she had contractions. We thought she would still have plenty of time. So we went to bed and got a call from Ryan at 2am, that they were almost at the hospital.
So I went to the hospital to pick up Liam and there was Kevin already. He said I am going to pull an all nighter, because I am going to stay here with Athena and Ryan. So I went home with Liam, went to bed and at 8am Ryan called that Athena was ready to give birth, but was not sure if she needed a c-section.
The doctor was going to try to see if she could do a "normal" birth first. We all were hoping and praying that it would be an normal birth.
At 9 30am Kevin texted that Emery was born. He said Athena was such a trooper!! (When Athena started to push Kev left the room..... ; ) )
When Liam and I arrived at the hospital, Paul, Ashley & Caroline where already there. Athena looked amazing, she said she felt great and it was a wonderful experience! We chatted for a while and then the nurse came to give Emery his first bath. What a blessed Oma and Opa are we!!!!!
Emery Hedley Jeffries

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